Third Sunday in Lent in the Domestic Church

"The family finds in the plan of God the Creator and Redeemer not only its identity, what it is, but also its mission, what it can and should do." With John Paul the Great's words as inspiration, Domestic-Church.Com hopes to promote a Catholic culture of the home that will aid each family to become "what you are!"
This week's features ...
The Resurrection Argument That Changed a Generation of Scholars - Gary Habermas
Gary Habermas is the Distinguished Professor of Apologetics and Philosophy and chairman, Department of Philosophy and Theology, at Liberty University. In this Forum, he explores the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Recording from The Veritas Forum at UC-Santa Barbara.
Easter is this weekend! Can you believe it? Time flies! Cute grass in the eggshels, napkin bunnies and naturally dyed eggs!
-->Six Ways to Make your Holy Week Really Holy
Fr. Jerry Orbos shares his view of how to have an ecellent Holy Week.
Entering the Desert of Lent
Bishop Barron talks about Lent, an ancient period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter. He also offers several recommendations on how to have a more spiritually powerful Lent.
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Resources for Creating a Catholic Culture of the Home
Fridge Art
Fridge Art is the heart of the web site. This is where you'll find fun family centered activities — only some are crafts, we also have games or other activities — all designed to bring the liturgical life of church into the home, and teach children about living the Catholic faith. Making faithful activities a 'normal' part of family life goes a long way towards building an enduring family faith life.
Brief histories of the lives of saints, most in three accounts; for young families (children 0-8), for practiced families (children 8-14), and experienced families (children 14-adult). Catherine Fournier and others.
Our articles section invites you to take a closer look at our Faith. Like the view from a window, there's always more "out there" than may be first apparent. This section contains interesting and useful information about celebrating the liturgical life of the church and living the Catholic faith in the Catholic family home. Articles often include excerpts from the Catechism, encyclicals and other writings of the Church.
Opinion and meditation. Essays are written by priests, religious, lay people, anyone with some insight and inspiration to offer. Please use the table of contents below or browse through the list farther down to find something interesting.
Stories, mostly about living a Catholic life in the home.
We are stewards of all God's creation, including our bodies, our homes and the environment. Learning, organization and planning helps us carry out this responsibility of stewardship more easily. Stewardship involves making efficient use of our resources including money. This is what's wrong with 'materialism' - it's an abuse of stewardship.
Some of the material in this section of Domestic-Church.Com will form the heart of the final book in our series "Liturgical Seasons for the Domestic Church" entitled: Food for the Domestic Church. I'll add to this part of the site while writing that book, adding more recipes, organizational tips and planning advice. What is here now, is really only a skeleton of what's possible (and what I want to say on the subject) In the meantime, I've added a table of contents to make it easier to browse through what is here now.
Sacraments and Sacramentals
Meditations, and information about the seven sacraments along with advice and information about preparing children for participation in the sacraments. Sacramentals - those devotions that prepare us to receive actual graces are also discussed and described here.
Church Teaching
A collection of teaching documents, videos and books, many of them written by popes, especially Pope John Paul II.
There is a very large collection of Church teachings about the faith, family, life and sexuality. They have been written against a backdrop of 2,000 years of practical experience in helping families live as Christians. Not surprisingly, most of these writings are not very "trendy". The documents you read here will survive all of the current trends and be read by your children's children. They are solid basis for building your own domestic church.
Stories and essays about vocations. If you have anything to contribute, such as how you ended up with a priest or a nun in the family, or a mother or father aware of the vocation of marriage, we'd love to hear from you!
We have compiled these lists of links in the hope that you find them useful, that we point you towards something or somewhere that you might not have thought of, that it makes it easier for you to find the information you need to carry out the work or building your domestic church.
Go to "Links"
Living in the Domestic Church
liturgical seasons - Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, Lent and
Easter, Ordinary Time - have many lessons for families to both teach and learn. This web site offers families a wide variety of activities, crafts, essays and stories for the domestic church during the great feasts and seasons of the Church.
Christ calls us all to "preach to all nations." We evangelize with our words, certainly, but we also (and often more effectively) teach with our actions and our work. "See how they love each other!" says The Acts of the Apostles. Much of this mission of evangelization takes place in Ordinary Time and takes place in the domestic church. So, we also offer a host of faith-filled and faith building devotions, activities and ideas for a family's ordinary time.
May we all "become what we are!"